La Feste a La Tour du Lac
The Dancing
La Feste
Table Service
Who are we?
The dancing for this event will be drawn heavily from Thoinot Arbeau's Orchesography (1589). This is the best source that we have for contemporary dancing. It is a work aimed at the middle class, and as such does not address the sort of dancing done by the average peasant in the southwest of France. However, many of the bransles are derived originally from peasant dance forms. 

A facsimile of the original Orchesography is online at the Library of Congress

Thereaare number of web sites with information on Arbeau on the net. Two useful links are some musical settings by Joseph Casazza and directions on how to dance pavans and almans, by Patri Pugliese and Joseph Casazza.

There will be more information here as our Dance Mistress provides it...

This page was last updated on January 10, 2002.
All materials copyright 1998-2001, C.T. Iannuzzo.  Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.